國立東華大學 體育中心
National Dong Hwa University Physical Education Center

場地借用順序 Venue Reservation Priority Order

Priority in reserving sports fields

  1. 緊急重大臨時性場地需求
    Emergent need
  2. 體育課上課或其他課程上課
    Physical courses or other teaching courses
  3. 學校運動代表隊
    Athletic team’s practice
  4. 全校性大型活動
    Pan-university activity
  5. 一般借用
    Usual reservation








  1. 緊急重大臨時性場地需求
    Emergent need
    The reserved sports fields must give way to emergency need that arise from act of God, serious accident, emergent events or other provisional urgent arrangement by this university or superior authorities etc.
  2. 體育課上課或其他課程上課
    Physical courses or other teaching courses
    The need of Physical courses or other teaching courses ranks the highest priority second to emergency need. Whilst all sports fields that the teaching courses requires will be booked well before beginning of a new semester, we reserve the right to override the other reservation of sports fields due to the unforeseeable need in teaching.
  3. 學校運動代表隊
    Athletic team’s practice
    代表隊不於借用時程開始前來登錄借用場地時段,而於一般借用時間開始後(約可預約至第37天)才要借用,遇已有人已經借用登錄 (即衝堂),系統不會執行覆蓋動作。代表隊確有需要該已登錄借用時段場地者,請自行與已借用人協調,若已借用人願意讓出,請於協議後至體育室辦公室通知系統管理人取消原借用。
    Athletic team has the right to reserve the sport field for the whole semester at the beginning of a new semester without limitation at point (5). Notwithstanding higher priority in reserving sports field, the athletic team who fails to book in time and needs the sport field anyway is obliged to negotiate with whomever already booked the sport field; the person who booked the sport field earlier can decide at his own discretion whether to yield his right to athletic team. The system won’t interfere with at this point. Please inform the Physical Education Office if there is any alteration.
  4. 全校性大型活動
    Pan-university activity
    If there is a pan-university activity, the person in charge can send in the application form with an activity plan to Physical Education Office in advance. After ratification, the applicant will acquire a provisional account number and a password with which applicant can log on to reserve sport field as per the approved activity plan without the limitation stated below.
  5. 一般借用
    Usual reservation
    You could reserve the sport field a week in advance, up to as early as 36 days. E.g. on May 1st, you can reserve sport field for May 7th up to June 7th.
    A person can book at most 2 hours for a sport field one day and at most 7 entries each log-on.
    Those who opt for discount charge in the booking must get consent of Physical Education Office in advance.